• Leda d.d. Široki Brijeg - hero slider
  • Leda d.d. Široki Brijeg - hero slider
  • Leda d.d. Široki Brijeg - hero slider
  • Leda d.d. Široki Brijeg - hero slider

    Water Leda

    Life is the greatest gift that we can get. Without the precious gift of pure spring water from the spring Borak, life on the hot Herzegovinian karst wouldn’t be possible.

    Through Lištica River, water of exceptional quality provided for centuries an opportunity for (healthy) life to the population of Široki Brijeg and surrounding region. Water Leda offers direct contact with nature and the gifts that Mother Nature.

    Dar iz prirode

    Djelić onoga što oduvijek, u najčistijim dubinama čuva za sebe, Zemlja daruje i nama kao dragulj iz hercegovačkog kamena!

    Izuzetna kvaliteta

    Leda voda je izuzetne kvalitete, o čemu svjedoče i mnogobrojne analize odgovarajućih instituta.

    Rješenje protiv stresa

    Leda voda je pogodna za neograničenu konzumaciju svih životnih dobi - povratite prirodnu ravnotežu.

    Analiza ispravnosti

    Krška voda kalcij-hidrogenkarbonatna, umjereno tvrda, bez agresivnih sastojak, bez radioaktivnosti, bez kalorija.

    Short history

    Leda Široki Brijeg was founded in 2007 as a joint-stock company, as the first registered producer of natural spring water in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2016, the company Lukas TP Nakić d.o.o. took over. The main activity of the company is the production of natural spring water and refreshing soft drinks based on natural spring water.

    The Leda bottling plant is equipped with a highly modernized line for filling natural spring water, mineral water and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as a line for the production and blowing of PET packaging. The plant was designed and installed according to world standards and norms, and the equipment used by the company comes from renowned world manufacturers.

    Leda products

    Natural spring water is filled in glass and PET packaging of the following volumes: 0.25l (packaging 0.25l x 15); 0.5l (packaging 0.50l x 12); 1l (packaging 1l x 12); 1.50l (packaging 1.50l x 6); 5l (packaging – pallet 5.00l x 105); 18.9l (placed on the device). Glass: 0.25l (packaging 0.25l x 12); i0.75l (packaging 0.75l x 6);

    Bottles with a volume of 18.9l are placed on the machines, while their technical correctness and cleanliness are maximally controlled. The entire process of maintaining the devices themselves (recording, servicing and cleaning) is done within the company itself. All devices on which Leda is used must undergo a cleaning and maintenance procedure every 90 days, in order to fully maintain the high level of quality of natural spring water. Maintenance of these devices is free for our users.

    0,25 L

    0,75 L

    1,5 L

    1 L

    0,5 L

    0,25 L

    1 L

    0,5 L

    0,25 L

    0,25 L

    0,5 L

    1,5 L

    0,5 L

    1,5 L

    0,5 L

    1,5 L

    0,5 L

    1,5 L

    0,5 L

    1,5 L

    0,5 L

    1,5 L

    0,25 L

    0,25 L

    5 L

    18.9 L

    Svi naši procesi, od samog primanja, punjenja, odnosno proizvodnje, do pakiranja i distribucije usklađeni su prema međunarodnoj normi ISO 22 000-2005.

    From the top of the heights


    Little is known that Leda comes from the part of Herzegovina which is an oasis of unique spring waters.

    Saznaj više...

    From the top of the heights


    Little is known that Leda comes from the part of Herzegovina which is an oasis of unique spring waters.

    It travels a long journey through the mountains before it reaches Borak spring for the bottling  process. Leda’s journey starts in central Bosnia, where a watershed between the Black Sea and the Adriatic basin is located under the large massif of the Vranica mountain. Most of these deep waters under mountain massifs move towards the Adriatic so the area of ​​western and northwestern Herzegovina is the place of its most frequent numerous springs.

    A part of the mountain hydro complex, which the river Lištica is a part of, is probably the most impressive natural spring complex not only in our country, but in the whole neighbouring region as well. Shielding perhaps man’s most important and crucial resource, for the future preservation of human health – water.

    The fact that Leda is bottled in this unique environment, where it surfaces ground and meets the human eye for the first time after hundreds of kilometers of wandering through the mountains, gives this product a reasonable and natural basis for introducing the market to such a rare boon.

    During summer months, these springs were of the utmost importance for people and herds dwelling in the mountains Čvrsnica or Čabulja, hence the hydronyms such as Bare or Hajdučka Vrila have been preserved since ancient times.

    Borak has held an important position in the history of manking in the area. Namely, numerous civilizations have left their traces here in different phases of human development. Maybe the most important ones are related to Illyrian who guarded these springs with their lives and built guard forts over them.

    It was the importance of water source that caused for primitive dwellings built by the Illyrians Delmatians near the main spring in Borak to be demolished by the Romans. Finally, the Slavs, today known as Croats, built their fortress at the spot and named the spring source Borak, a name that, from the Old Slavic laguage translates to a meadow, meadow, plateau.

    Leda truly comes from mountain peaks, some over two thousand meters in height, only to be directly bottled at her spring. On her way, Leda filters through layers of mountains collecting valuable minerals and other mineral ingredients. It is recommended to consume Leda cooled to 8 degrees celsius, the way mountain cools her in her natural environment.

    Leda is the spirit and the fresh breath of the mountains, originating at mountain peaks. This is how we came up with our slogan „from the top of the heights“. Slogan mirrors excellence of the tops, and Leda is more than worthy to hold it.